Jumat, 06 November 2009

Rekomendasi Dokter 1

Rekomendasi Dokter Indonesia

Tahitian Noni Juice

Memperbaiki Susunan Syaraf

Juice Noni mampu merevitalisasi susunan syaraf yang rusak sehingga dapat bekerja seperti semula.

Hidup sehat jauh lebih ‘murah' dibanding hidup sakit. Bayangkan, bila tubuh sering sakit dan harus keluar masuk rumah sakit. Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk berobat? Jawabannya pasti sangat mahal. Dr. Amarullah H. Siregar, DIHom., DNMed., MSc., PhD., ahli naturopathy pada Klinik Nirmala Holistic Health Centre, memberi tips ringan agar tubuh tetap sehat. “Jalani pola hidup yang Sehat.” katanya pada acara Health Talk ‘Noni untuk Sistem Susunan Syaraf’, 17 November lalu di Kantor TNI di kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.

“Yang paling penting adalah efek Noni, untuk Neorotransmiter pada sel syaraf yang dapat meningkatkan upaya kerja dari otak,” ungkapnya di hadapan pengunjung Health Talk yang antusias dan memenuhi ruangan yang disediakan."

Dr. Amarullah H. Siregar

Menurut Dr. Amarullah, pengobatan paling efektif adalah dengan mencari akar permasalahan pada penyakit tersebut. Misalnya penyakit jantung, salah satu penyebabnya bisa saja adanya sistem syaraf yang terganggu sehingga menyebabkan jantung dan organ tubuh lainnya tidak mampu bekerja dengan normal. “Yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan mengembalikan fungsi sistem susunan syaraf yang rusak tadi,” ungkapnya.

Salah satu cara antisipatif yang paling efektif adalah dengan mengonsumsi Tahitian Noni Juice. Tahitian Noni Juice kaya akan kandungan bioaktif seperti Damnakantal, Anthraquinone & Scopoletin, Terpenes, Xeronine, Proxeronine, dan Hipokolestemi yang sangat efektif meredam berbagai penyakit dan ujung kepala hingga ujung kaki. Uniknya, kineija Tahitian Noni Juice tidak saja mengusir penyakit, tetapi mampu mengembalikan sistem susunan syaraf yang rusak.

Dan segi susunan syaraf, Tahitian Noni Juice mampu meningkatkan aktifitas regenerasi sel, meningkatkan asupan nutrien di dalam sel otak, mampu membuang racun, membantu proses perbaikan, dan meningkatkan komunikasi sel.

Tahitian Noni Juice

Benteng Serangan Jantung

Tahitian Noni Juice mampu merevitalisasi fungsi tubuh yang sudah menurun sehingga dapat bekerja seperti semula.

Hidup di kota besar seperti Jakarta ternyata sangat rentan terserang berbagai penyakit kronis seperti diabetus mellitus, stroke, kanker, hingga jantung koroner. Penyebabnya, tingkat polusi udara yang cukup parah rnenyebabkan radikal bebas bagaikan tebaran bom waktu yang setiap saat dapat meledak.
“Ancaman bahaya radikal bebas tersebut bisa dikurangi dengan menjalani pola hidup sehat seperti makan sehat, olah raga teratur, cukup istirahat dan mengonsumsi jus noni dari Tahiti ini,” kata DR. dr. Amarullah H. Siregar, DIHom., DNMed., MSc., PhD.

Serangan jantung merupakan suatu kondisi ketika kerusakan dialami oleh bagian otot jantung (myocardium) akibat berkurangnya pasokan darah secara tiba-tiba. Hal ini disebabkan karena terjadi penyempitan pada nadi koroner. Jus noni dan Tahiti--queen of the genus--merupakan benteng pertahanan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembalikan fungsi nadi koroner. “Dengan meminum TNJ, aliran darah pun normal kembali,”

Dr. Amarullah H. Siregar

Menurut Dr. Amarullah yang juga ahli naturopathy dan Klinik Nirrnala Holistic Health Centre, Tahitian Noni Juice kaya akan kandungan bioaktif seperti Damnacanthal, Anthraquinone & Scopoletin, Terpenes, Xeronine, Proxeronine--kandungan antioksidan dalam proxeronine yang terkandung dalam noni lebih kuat 100 kali dari Vitamin C, 40 kali lebih kuat dan Vitamin E dan 20-25 kali lebih kuat daripada Vitamin A Betakarotine--, dan Hipokolestemi. Kandungan-kandungan itu sangat efektif meredam berbagai penyakit. dari ujung kepala hingga ujung kaki. Termasuk penyakit jantung koroner.

Serangan jantung merupakan suatu kondisi ketika kerusakan dialami oleh bagian otot jantung (myocardium) akibat berkurangnya pasokan darah secara tiba-tiba. Hal ini disebabkan karena terjadi penyempitan pada nadi koroner. Jus noni dan Tahiti--queen of the genus--merupakan benteng pertahanan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembalikan fungsi nadi koroner. “Dengan meminum Tahitian Noni Juice, aliran darah pun normal kembali,” kata Dr. Amarullah--satu dokter lagi yang memberi kesaksian mengenai manfaat Tahitian Noni Juice bagi kesehatan.

Tahitian Noni Juice

Benteng Sistem Pencernaan

TNJ tak saja menyegarkan, tapi mampu menaikkan sistem kekebalan tubuh serta melawan kuman dan bakteri buruk di perut.

Saluran pencernaan kita terdiri dan tujuh struktur, yaitu, rongga mulut, kerongkongan, lambung, usus dua belas jari, usus kecil, usus besar, dan pangkal dubur. Struktur penunjang pencemaan diperankan oleh hati dan kandung empedu serta kelenjar ludah perut pankreas.

Menurut Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, pengamat kesehatan yang juga berprofesi sebagai dokter, setiap gangguan pada masing-masing struktur pencernaan, akan mengganggu sistem pencernaan secara keseluruhan.

Misalnya mulas, nyeri, melilit, rasa kembung, mual, muntah dan mencret, serta buang air besar berlendir yang disertai dengan darah. “Nah, di sepanjang saluran pencernaan, gangguan yang paling sering terjadi ada di lambung,” katanya dalam acara Health Talk Tahitian Noni di Kantor Pusat TNI Indonesia, di Kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, 9 Desember 2006. Misalnya gangguan asam lambung berlebihan, kekurangan enzim lambung, serta hormon pelindung selaput lendir lambung yang mengakibatkan terganggunya fungsi lambung (dyspepsia).

“Sebanyak 89 persen khasiat yang terkandung di dalam jus noni asal Tahiti ini sangat efektif untuk mengatasi gangguan pencernaan,”

Dr. Handrawan Nadesul

Daya pengosongan lambung terhambat, sehingga udara tertalian di dalam lambung dan menimbulkan rasa kembung. Lambung juga bisa terkena peradangan yang disebabkan oleh bibit penvakit dan biasanya disertai dengan radang usus juga (gastroenteritis).
Gangguan lambung terberat terjadi apabila lambung dihuni oleh kuman khusus helicobacter pylon. Kuman jenis mi memang betah mengendon di selaput lendir lambung selain di usus duabelasjari. “Bila dibiarkan, akan muncul penyakit maag berat atau tukak lambung dan tukak duabelasjari (peptic ulcer),” ungkapnya.

Handrawan menambahkan, upaya untuk menghindari gangguan pada pencernaan sebetulnya sangat mudah. Asalkan, sistem kekebalan tubuh terjaga dengan baik. Salah satu cara menaikkan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang paling mudah adalah dengan mengkonsumsi Tahitian Noni Juice yang sudah terbukti mampu menjaga kesehatan tubuh manusia sejak ribuan tahun lampau. “Sebanyak 89 persen khasiat yang terkandung di dalam jus noni asal Tahiti ini sangat efektif untuk mengatasi gangguan pencernaan,” katanya.

Tahitian Noni Juice


Minum obat bila sakit, ibarat menggali sumur bila haus. Artinya, sudah terlambat. Pesan itu disampaikan oleh Dr Amarullah H. Siregar, DIHom., DNMed., MSc., PhD., yang kembali menjadi pembicara pada acara Health Talk dengan topik Eradikasi Kanker di Kantor TNI Jakarta.

Seperti kita ketahui kanker merupakan musuh masyarakat nomor satu di dunia, yang Sebentar lagi akan menjadi pembunuh nomor satu di dunia menggantikan serangan jantung.

Kanker adalah tumor ganas yang tumbuh akibat pembelahan sel yang tidak normal dan tidak terkontrol. Pertumbuhan itu bisa menyebar ke bagian lain dan tubuh melalui sistem limfe atau aliran darah, sehingga pembelahan sel abnormal tersebut berpotensi menyebabkan kanker ganas yang berpengaruh besar pada kesehatan.

Semua itu dapat dicegah dengan cara hidup sehat, serta mengonsumsi makanan dan minuman yang mengandung proxeronin, zat yang sangat baik dalam mengontrol pembelahan sel secara sempurna. Salah satu cara antisipatif yang paling efektif adalah dengan mengonsumsi Tahitian Noni Juice. Jus ini kaya akan kandungan proxeronin dan antioksidan yang terbukti mampu memproteksi radikal bebas serta meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh.

Selain mampu menormalkan fungsi sel dan meregenerasikan sel dengan baik, kandungan bioaktif (damnacanthal dan anthraquinone) pada jus noni juga mampu membunuh sel kanker serta menghentikan penyebarannya.

Menurut Dr Amarullah PhD kemampuan Tahitian Noni Juice dalam menormalkan fungsi sel yang dapat menekan pertumbuhan kanker pada tubuh, menjadikan jus noni asal Tahiti ini meraih Top 10 Cancer Treatment dan the American Association for Cancer Research.

Mau bebas dari kanker? Minum Tahitian Noni Juice secara berkala merupakan tindakan preventif yang bijaksana.

Rekomendasi Dokter 2

Doctors Across North America Talk
About The Benefits Of TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE!

John Wadsworth, Food Scientist; Morinda, Inc. "Morinda produces TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE in large quantities, but we still keep all of the important ingredients, like Proxeronine, intact.

Dr. Ralph Heinicke helped us in this endeavor and we are the only company that has Dr. Heinicke's endorsement and his method of testing for Proxeronine. I am 100% confident that TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE helps people.

I oversee the entire process of producing TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE--from the picking, to the final delivery. We test every batch of TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE after each step in production to assure us of its quality. TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE is an exceptional quality product."

Dr. Bruce L. Heckard
"I am a board certified family practitioner with a successful practice combining traditional allopathy with proven natural treatments. In 11 years of practice I've not seen a product as intriguing and broadly applicable as TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE . This is the first time I have ever endorsed a product."

Doctor Steven Hall, MD. Family Practitioner; Seattle ,WA
"In all of my experience, I've never seen one product so beneficial in so many situations. I recommend TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE to my patients and anyone interested in helping maintain good physical health--I love it!"

Samuel Kolodney, Chiropractor New Hope, Pa.
"Once I recognized the wide variety of beneficial effects TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE is capable of conferring, I felt compelled to share this product with my patients.

I know that TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE has helped all of my patients who have tried it and can help anyone who is looking to benefit overall.

I have directly or indirectly changed the lives of over 2000 people by introducing them, or someone they know, to TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE . My personal results have been nothing short of miraculous. Try it - You'll love it."

Nelson P. Rivers, Pharmacist Evansville, In.
"Thousands of lives are being touched every day by TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE . I believe it will continue to help many, many people now and in the future."

Jack Souder, Chiropractor Angola, In.
"We have used a considerable amount of TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE with our friends and patients. Many have had very good results--some have had spectacular results. The unique thing about Tahitian Noni juice is that there is no worthy competitor nor comparable product anywhere."

Mian-Ying Wang, M. D. Research, UIC College of Medicine at Rockford, Dept. Biomedical Sciences
"By my own experiences and my own eyewitness, I can say with a certainty that noni is a miracle fruit.
Gary Tran, D.V.M. Director, Animal Emergency Center
" TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE has been very successful with my family, but I am most grateful to Morinda for my four-legged patients. TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE has made my job easier. In my thirty-five years of practice, I have never seen anything like TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE ."

Betty J. Carter, M.D. Lutz, Fl.
" This is an exceptional product. I have found that it has helped many of my patients. I would recommend it to anyone."

Wayne Cole, D.O. Osteopathic Physician, Family Practice Providence, Pa.
" TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE just makes me, as well as many of my patients, feel better. I never miss a day taking it."

Tom Stone, ND, CNHP, MH Kentwood, Mi.
"In my work as an iridologist and kinesiologist, I have many occasions to recommend TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE to my clients. I am pleased with the experiences I have had using TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE with my clients and my family. We have had so many positive results that have reinforced our confidence in the product."

Ken Stejskal, Homeopathic Practitioner Hutchinson, Ks.
" I am a complete fan of TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE . The benefits it affords are unbelievable and I recommend it to all my patients."

Mona Harrison M.D. Yelm, Wa
"I have noticed that there seems to be a positive response to TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE in the body. This is a wonderful discovery for millions of people throughout the world. I believe it to be the most exciting product of our time."

Donald Mantell, M.D., Family Practice Cranberry, Pa.
"The TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE products have radically changed my medical practice. I enjoy going to work just to use them with my patients."

Barbara Flot, M.D. Los Angeles, Ca.
"Many of my patients feel they have been able to do things they never would have been able to do thanks to TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE . It really seems to benefit all who take it."

Frederick Pryce, PhD Clinical Biochemistry New Orleans, ON,CAN
"I have seen TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE benefit my patients. I also use this product personally, as well as give it to my loved ones."

William E. Doell, M.D.
"Twenty-five years of nutritional medicine experience never prepared me for the wonders of TAHITIAN NONI® JUICE . This is the most remarkable product I have ever seen."

Dr. Bryant Bloss
Noni juice has been very effective for the majority of my patients. I offer it as a food supplement, Not as a drug, and most of them choose using it. Noni juice has improved not only my life, but the lives of many of my patients.


In 2003, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice was added to the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) for Non-Prescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements to document its significant health-promoting capabilities1. Simply put, it works.

In all my years at Johns Hopkins, I never had a medicine to work with that could do what this natural product does.
Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, Maryland's former Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, former CNN-TV Health commentator, NY Times best-selling author

I am an orthopedic surgeon and after my personal success with TAHITIAN NONI® Juice, I decided to try it with my family and patients. We all agree that TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has made a real difference in our lives.
Dr. Bryant A. Bloss, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon; Evansville, IN

Being a natural health practitioner, I have recommended TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to many of my patients and have seen remarkable results. I myself use the product and will continue to inform people that good health and well-being can be attained naturally.
Dr. Joyce Boffert, Chiropractor; New York, NY

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has been very successful with my family, but I am most grateful to Morinda for my four-legged patients. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has made my job easier. In my thirty-five years of practice, I have never seen anything like TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.
Dr. Gary Tran, Veterinarian; Louisville, KY

I have noticed that there seems to be a positive response to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice in the body. This is a wonderful discovery for millions of people throughout the world. I believe TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to be the most exciting product of our time.
Dr. Mona Harrison, MD; Yelm, WA

This is a great product. If I could only have one product to use and recommend, it would be TAHITIAN NONI® Juice because of its wide variety of uses.
Dr. Donald Murdock, Chiropractor; Chicago, IL

I have seen TAHITIAN NONI® Juice help my patients and family. The product is extremely supportive and beneficial, and I encourage everyone to take it.
Dr. Loren Marks, Clinical Nutritionist; New York, NY

When my wife first presented TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to me, I thought it was another snake oil. After six weeks, I realized that there is enormous merit to the product and began taking TAHITIAN NONI® Juice myself. I noticed that my wife experienced great benefits and I started recommending and using TAHITIAN NONI® Juice in my own practice with absolutely marvelous results.
Dr. Clifford Blumberg, Dentist; Queens, NY

I am a complete fan of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. The benefits it affords are unbelievable and I recommend it to all my patients.
Dr. Ken Stejskal, Homeopathic Practitioner; Hutchinson, KS

Your health is your wealth, so keep drinking your TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. I use TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to keep me at my best throughout the day.
Dr. Matthews, Dentist; Chicago, IL

Thousands of lives are being touched every day by TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. This is the greatest natural product I have ever come across and perhaps the biggest health breakthrough in decades. I believe it will continue to help many, many people now and in the future.
Dr. Nelson P. Rivers, Pharmacist; Evansville, IN

I have found that TAHITIAN NONI® Juice helps balance and regulate all functions of the body. Many of my patients are taking TAHITIAN NONI® Juice with tremendous results. I have never seen a natural product that works with so many internal and external modalities. I believe that most people would strongly benefit from taking TAHITIAN NONI® juice.
Dr. Bruce L. Heckard

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has helped my patients with their problems. It has also helped me to get better and faster results.
Dr. Anas Khalaf

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has helped me immensely. I have seen it help other individuals as well. I feel that TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is a remarkable product and can help many people.
Dr. Gordon Hunte, Herbalist and Chiropractor; Calgary, AB, Canada

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice products have radically changed my medical practice. I enjoy going to work just to use them with my patients.
Dr. Donald Mantell, MD, Family Practice; Cranberry, PA

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice contains many nutritional factors. Today, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is the best available source of the raw material Proxeronine. Proxeronine may affect so many different and seemingly unrelated facets of health, and TAHITIAN NONI® Juice provides it in abundance. I believe this is a product that everyone worldwide can benefit from.
Dr. Ralph Heinicke, Chemist; Louisville, KY

Many of my patients feel they have been able to do things they never would have been able to do thanks to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. It really seems to benefit all who take it.
Dr. Barbara Flot, MD; Los Angeles, CA

I have seen TAHITIAN NONI® Juice benefit my patients. I also use this product personally, as well as give it to my loved ones.
Dr. Frederick Pryce, PhD Clinical Biochemistry; Orleans, ON, CAN

This is an exceptional product. I have found that it has helped many of my patients. I would recommend it to anyone.
Dr. Betty J. Carter, MD; Lutz, FL

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is a must for anyone concerned about their well-being. I've taken TAHITIAN NONI® Juice three to four times a day for nearly a year now. I've noticed so many benefits, and I feel great. Being concerned about my health, and given one supplement of any kind to keep, I'd keep TAHITIAN NONI® Juice, even if it meant moving to Tahiti!
Dr. Roger Soard, Chiropractor; Winchester Bay, OR

I use TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to help my patients. The benefits I've witnessed are phenomenal and I recommend it to everyone.
Dr. Don Metz, MD, Family Practice; Plymouth, MN

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice works better than other products I've tried. Some of my patients definitely feel better after using it.
Dr. Paula Davey, Doctor of Internal and Environmental Medicine; Ann Arbor, MI

I have introduced several friends, patients, and relatives to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice, and they have had beneficial results! I think that you should try TAHITIAN NONI® Juice yourself and see if it will help you the way that it has helped so many other people. It has worked wonders for me.
Dr. Robert "Bob" L. Bodin

In all of my experience, I've never seen one product so beneficial in so many situations. I recommend TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to my patients and anyone interested in helping maintain good health. I love it!
Dr. Steven Hall, MD, Family Practitioner; Seattle, WA

As a chiropractor, kinesiologist, and nutritionist, I have introduced several hundred people to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice with nothing short of spectacular results. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice works wonderfully with the body.
Dr. Jim Marcoux, Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, and Nutritionist; Livonia, IN

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice just makes me, as well as many of my patients, feel better. I never miss a day taking it.
Dr. Wayne Cole, DO, Osteopathic Physician, Family Practice; Providence, PA

Once I recognized the wide variety of beneficial effects of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is capable of conferring, I felt compelled to share this product with my patients. I know that TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has helped all of my patients who have tried it and can help anyone who is looking to benefit overall. I have directly or indirectly changed the lives of over 2,000 people by introducing them or someone they know, to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. My personal results have been nothing short of miraculous. Try it! You'll love it.
Dr. Samuel Kolodney, Chiropractor; New Hope, PA

I love TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. It is an absolutely phenomenal product and I take pride in recommending it to everyone.
Dr. Jake Savage, PhD Microbiology; Huntsville, AL

Twenty-five years of nutritional medicine experience never prepared me for the wonders of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. This is the most remarkable product I have ever seen.
Dr. William E. Doell, MD; San Clemente, CA

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is a very exciting product. I use it faithfully and recommend it to all enthusiastically!
Dr. Robert Young, Chiropractor; Chicago, IL

In my experiences with natural products, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice tops them all. My patients are experiencing excellent results.
Dr. Maria Odegbaro, MD, General Practitioner; Brooklyn, NY

In my work as an iridologist and kinesiologist, I have many occasions to recommend TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to my clients. I am pleased with the experiences I have had using TAHITIAN NONI® Juice with my clients and my family. We have had so many positive results that have reinforced our confidence in the product.
Tom Stone, ND, CNHP, MH; Kentwood, MI

We have used a considerable amount of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice with our friends and patients. Many have had very good results- some have had spectacular results. The unique thing about TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is that there is no worthy competitor nor comparable product anywhere.
Dr. Jack Souder, Chiropractor; Angola, IN

I personally use TAHITIAN NONI® Juice and recommend it to my patients, with amazing results.
Keith R. De Orio, MD

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is fantastic! I have found absolutely remarkable results. It has had a phenomenal effect on many of my clients. One of the best results was on an 82 year-old woman. She has experienced a tremendous improvement thanks to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.
Dr. William Pomfret, PhD Occupational Health; Carp, ON, CAN

In my entire medical career, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is the most astounding thing I have ever come across. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice's benefits are available to all of us at all ages.
DR. RICHARD WILLIAMS, Surgeon, Family Practitioner